37 entitled
38 critically
39 potential
40 commitment
41 develop
42 enhance
43 retain
44 component
45 challenges
36 assets
37 excellent
38 origin
39 up-to-date
40 attend
41 guidelines
42 aware
43 involved
44 especially
45 volunteering
文章是:essay-grading software offers professors abreak。
46-55 fbmce qgpjd
56. b) it will protectthem from sunburn
57. a) it isineffective in preventing melanomas
58. d) dailyapplication of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas
59. c) it is not basedon direct observation of the subjects
60. a) a using bothcovering up and sunscreen.
61. b) well-educatedpeople tend to work longer.
62. b) a rapidtechnological advance.
63. a) economic growthwill slow down.
64. c) even wealthypeople must work longer to live comfortably in retirement。
65. d) skills arehighly valued regardless of age。
61. a) more men takingan extended parental leave.
62. c) their number istoo small to make a difference。
63. a) a long leavewill have a negative impact on their career.
64. c) surprise
61. c) the decline ofthe grain yield growth。
62. a) theirself-sufficiency is vital to the stability of world food markets。
63. d) they focus moreon the increase of animal feed than human food grains。
64. d) the world willbe able to feed its population without increasing farmland。
65. b) it is based ona doubtful assumption。